Email Sender and Domain Reputation

Customer Stories

Tens of thousands of customers rely on Validity to grow faster with better data.

Expedia Obtains a Sender Score of 99 and a 100% Inbox Placement Rate with Validity Sender Certification and Everest.

Asda Achieves ~100% Inbox Placement During Holiday Sales Season with Validity Sender Certification and BriteVerify. 

Reading For Education achieves a 200% email revenue uplift after migrating from Return Path to BriteVerify and Everest.

DonorsChoose optimizes email deliverability to reach donors and support teachers through COVID-19 and beyond.

Event group Comexposium relies on Validity's email marketing suite to optimize the delivery of its emails in the midst of a pandemic.

Easy Voyage gains greater visibility into their email performance and optimises ROI

Boozt improves relationships with target mailbox providers through Sender Certification and IP address warm-up